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The purpose of this website is to provide a problem solving database for radio control aircraft. It was conceived out of frustration at having to search through many websites to try and seek solutions when if there was a single place to find concise, relevant and authoritative answers life would be so much easier. This website was started in Autumn 2015 and sufficient articles added by March 2016 to go for an official launch. The intention is that it will grow as more volunteer contributors come forward either to enhance existing articles or add new articles.

The originator of this idea is Bob Hynes of the South Cheshire Radio Control Society (SCRCS) and he enlisted the help of fellow club member Ian Jones. Together they formulated the framework and production of this website in their own time and at their own cost.

Makeup of articles

All articles have three main features that must be present.

  1. The article title is a brief description of the problem as perceived when it occurs.
  2. The body of the article contains the potential cause(s) and
  3. the potential fix(es).

Where necessary additional explanatory comments are included together with photographs, sketches and Youtube videos.

The safety category is an exception to the problem, cause & fix make-up of all other articles because although they can be used to research safety issues after problems arise, it would be much better if the issues could be prevented from arising in the first place. Consequently these articles are of a pro-active make-up rather than re-active.

Who is it for?

Everyone, regardless of experience or degree of knowledge; all can use it to problem solve or contribute to help others.

How to contribute

  • Add a comment to an existing article. To do this you need to register via the login form on the right; once accepted you will be able to add your comment which could be a correction, additional information or maybe just how useful you found the article. Where appropriate the site administrators will incorporate comments into the original article.
  • We are keen to have more article authors and so would welcome hearing from anyone wishing to do so. Currently this is achieved by registering as outlined above then adding a comment to any article indicating your desire to contribute. This will be picked up by the administrators and we'll get back to you.
  • If you cannot find what you need here, let us know and we’ll add it if appropriate.


While every effort is made to ensure that the data presented here is accurate the writers cannot take responsibility for any errors, or consequences from those errors, that may occur. Ultimately the sole responsibility for all aspects of safety rests with the aeromodeller.


To be able to provide a good level of performance, without distracting advertising, this website is hosted with a paid for provider and maintained by IPJnet Web Developments. We intend to keep this a free service so although we are not currently asking for voluntary donations towards the costs, we envisage this will be necessary in the near future.

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This site does not collect personal data without your consent and makes no further use of it than is necessary for controlling access for the purpose of creating and editing articles.  We only use cookies essential for parts of the site to operate. You may delete and block all cookies from this site via your browser settings but parts of the site will not work.

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You have no rights to post comments. We want to encourage wide participation in RC Aerobase, unfortunately there's people out there that will abuse an open system. Please register by following the link below the login fields and after your registration has been accepted you will be able to add your comment.