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Video 1. Covers the fundamentals of Deadstick landings in calm conditions. It shows the risks involved and gives some idea of the decisions the model pilot faces when they occur. It also points out that regardless of skill, if the circumstances of the deadstick are bad enough, damage is the likely result.

Video 2. Covers  Deadstick landings in wind. It concentrates on three aspects,

i.) The preparation needed by the pilot before flying, so that he/she is ready and prepared for the event, in so far as that is possible.

ii.) The importance of managing elevation, so that the pilot can optimise his use of height, (potential energy), at the instant the deadstick occurs.

iii.) How the pilot needs to consider drag and in particular how it varies with the type of aeroplane being flown.


Video 1. Deadstick landings in calm conditions.


Video 2. Deadstick landings in wind and the importance of elevator control. In preparation.


Deadstick landings occur when the aircraft's power source stops in mid air, forcing a glide down to earth. Being aware of the causes and fixes, allows the model pilot minimise those risks. For a list of causes and fixes refer to the article, "Engine Stops In Flight Forcing Deadstick Landing" in the Power: Piston category.

Deadstick landings although often benign, are not without risk and so are best avoided. The attached videos show a selection of simulated dead stick landings, and seek to show the risks the model pilot must face when engines stops while airborne. i.e. it does not matter how good you are at handling them, sooner or later you will be caught out.



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