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Cause: Pilots standing too far apart on the flight line.

Fix: Pilots should stand close together so that communication on the flight line is possible at all times.


For reasons of safety, pilots should be able to communicate with each other at all times. Typical communications and responses that need to be audible to all pilots so that they can take immediate action are:

 Communication  Responses
“Deadstick.”   “OK. climbing.”
“Radio problem.”  “OK, I’ve plenty of height”
“No control.”   “OK. I’m well clear”
“Landing.”  “OK”
“On finals.” “OK”
“Going on the strip.” “OK. I’m well clear”
“Strip clear etc." “OK. Thanks


The responses are as important from a safety aspect as the communications themselves, as they tell the pilot his communication is heard and that appropriate action by fellow pilots has been taken. For safety reasons then, pilots standing together on the flight line, is usually a mandate.

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